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Art Alum Chuck Whited Donates Hundreds of Hand-Painted Backdrops to College of Fine Arts

February 26, 2018
Thanks to the generosity of Florida State University’s Department of Art alum and Dean's Advisory Board member, Chuck Whited ...

Several Exhibitions Featuring Art Alum Dakota Gearhart

February 25, 2018
FSU Alumn Dakota Gearhart has artwork in several exhibits all over the country. Currently participating in the Queens Museum Studio Program and living in NYC ...

FSU Alum Zoe Charlton in Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibition

February 14, 2018
Over the past several months, a tidal wave of outrage and protest over workplace sexual assault, harassment, and gender inequality has been steadily swelling, accompanied by the ha ...

FSU Art Alum Gives Lecture at USF

February 8, 2018
FSU Alumni and NYC based artist, Loren Ellis will visit the University of South Florida, to give a lecture on Tuesday, March 6 at 7:00pm. Loren, who received a B.A. at USF ...
Michael Velliquette piece

Michael Velliquette

February 1, 2018
MICHAEL VELLIQUETTE (BFA ’93) is a mixed media artist working in drawing, collage, and sculpture, and is most known for his works with cut paper. These works engage the natur ...