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Students Invited to Speak Their Minds by Dictating a Postcard to the Next President

Artist Sheryl Oring is inviting university students across the country to dictate their messages – their hopes, dreams, and ambitions – for the next president.

These messages will be shared via a virtual performance of her I Wish to Say project and will be typed up on postcards by student typists via zoom meetings and exhibited at Stamps Gallery at the University of Michigan in Winter 2020.

Quotes from the messages are also being incorporated into choral music by composer Lisa Bielawa in a work called Voters’ Broadcast and the typed cards will then be mailed out to the White House after the inauguration.

Sign up to share your message to the next president!

Performances take place on Tuesdays (4:30-6:30pm) and Sundays (1-3pm) through November 1.

Students and faculty may also choose to participate in performances hosted by the Brooklyn Public Library, which is presenting an in-person live performance on Oct. 17 (1-3pm and 4-6pm) and virtual performances on Oct. 18, 19, 20 and 21 from 6-8pm.

More info and sign up here