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Department of Art’s Katie Kehoe Contributes Arts-Based Research Methods in Award Winning Proposal

Katie Kehoe, Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Art, contributes arts-based research methods to support cross-disciplinary research initiative awarded 50,000.00 by FSU’s Office of Research.The cross-disciplinary team, consisting of Hui Wang (Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering), Guang Wang (Computer Science), Michael Elwardany (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Kelly Grove (GIS and Earth Sciences Librarian), Minna Jia (Director of the FSU Survey Foundry), Katie Kehoe (Socially Engaged Art) and Emily Powell (Climatologist), will use the seed funding to advance their project, “Strengthening Disaster Resilience in Rural Communities through Rural Resource Access Hubs (RRAH)”, which they conceived of as participants in FSU’s Collaborative Collisions Fall 2022 Program. 

Through RRAH resources and service can be accessed before a disaster. When extreme weather is projected to impact a rural community in its jurisdiction The Hub connects the established Community Services to take actions that strengthen the community’s resilience to deal with extreme weather. These actions include proactive food storage to reduce the food loss resulting from power loss or the mandatory evacuation orders. Focusing on rural  communities in the Panhandle and Central Florida who were directly affected by hurricanes Michael and Ian the project will create a risk assessment Maps through advanced GIS mapping. By surveying rural populations in the Panhandle and Central Florida RRAH also engages in community focused arts-based research to capture essential qualitative data stories memories and personal experiences from community members.