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Home » News » Natalie Cevallos Enjoys Internship in Arts Administration at 621 Gallery

Natalie Cevallos Enjoys Internship in Arts Administration at 621 Gallery

Published August 14, 2019

From FSU Art BFA ’20 Natalie Cevallos:

“As a rising senior at FSU, I decided this past semester that I wanted to pick up a minor in Museum Studies. The idea of working in a gallery/arts management was something that I did not know much about. When I saw that 621 Gallery in Railroad Square offered an internship in arts administration, I was immediately drawn to apply. I had never interned in anything within the arts, so I was thrilled when I was hired to join the 621 team for the summer.

This experience was unlike anything I had expected. I got to learn about installing/deinstalling shows, how to reach out and network effectively within the creative community, and most importantly, learn how a non-profit works. One aspect I enjoyed was that every intern was basically assigned their own project or event to take on for the summer. I decided that I wanted to put on a drag show to raise money for the gallery. Alongside two other interns, we were able to pull off an event that raised almost $400 for 621. It was really rewarding to see the show not only come together, but see the general public attend and show their appreciation for the arts. Overall, interning at 621 Gallery was the highlight of my summer, and taught me so much about gallery management!”