Keith Roberson
Associate Professor
Department of Art
“Science and industry continue to prove that multi-million-dollar resources are needed to create noteworthy digital content. My artworks continue to prove that junk, trash, and consumer-grade technology, with a bit of insight, are just as effective.” A recent series of works called Gateway was constructed as a study in interaction between an artwork’s imagery of memory and the reflected imagery of the viewer. In the pieces, a visual algorithm develops where the interior space of the artworks intermingle within the reflections on the smoked glass. The tall vertical format emphasizes the reflected body of the viewer where fragmentation of the viewers image occurs. Each piece constitutes a different range of the artist’s personal memory. In effect, the works attempt symbolically to place the viewer within the artist memory, thereby displacing and de-centering the self of the artist.
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- University of Maryland
Research & Teaching Areas of Interests & Expertise
- Digital Arts