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FSU Studio Art MFA Candidate is a 2023 Master’s in Four Finalist


Chansong Woo, FSU Studio Art MFA Candidate, has been selected as a finalist for the 2023 Master’s in Four Competition.

Master’s in Four is a research communication competition that aims to help master’s students develop academic, presentation, and research communication skills. Moreover, it supports the development of students’ capacities to effectively explain their research in language appropriate to an intelligent but non-specialist audience.

Currently enrolled Master’s students who have earned 18 hours of graduate coursework toward the degree may compete in the Master’s in Four Competition during which they have four minutes, and four slides, for them to explain their research to a diverse audience.

Woo’s work has focused on blurring various boundaries ranging from artistic media to art disciplines. Her recent installation work is made up of multi-panel achromatic drawings that focus on one social movement in South Korea, the Gwangju Democratization Movement in the city of Gwangju from May 18 to 27, 1980 which symbolizes people’s struggle against military regimes for democracy. Although Woo never experienced firsthand the movement, as a hinge generation she wanted to discuss two relationships: one between individual memory and trauma, one between collective memory and trauma (even history) based on her personal narratives in the present. Her work serves as a bridge between the past and present, and her memory/experience and viewers.

Woo will present on research, “Approach as a post-generation visual artist”, with the other finalists at the 2023 Min4 Finals Competition on Wednesday, March 29, 3:30 – 6:00 pm at the Durell Peadan College of Medicine Auditorium. For more information, visit: https://gradschool.fsu.edu/min4