Pillows and cradles support vulnerable human bodies. While we sleep, they hold us in safety and comfort. While we wake, they bear our traces – an impression, a scent, a slight discoloration sheltered from view in a domestic space. Pillows and cradles are also the landscape residue of violent storms that have long dissipated. Exposed root balls of windthrown trees decay, leaving piles of dirt next to the pits from which they were displaced.
The dual interpretation of this title entangles realms often perceived as rigidly separate or in conflict. Distinctions between old binaries blur at the edges and generate something soft and new. Layers of material and memory settle, accumulate, and upheave, revealing a complex surface. This surface, like every surface, tells a story. What does this story mean to you?
Nathan Grimes and Todd Jones are recent transplants to Holly Springs and Raleigh, NC. While their art practices are individually distinct, they explore painting in the expanded field through discarded materials and accumulative processes.
This project is supported by the United Arts Council of Wake County and the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
This project was also made possible by material donations from the Wake County Government Environmental Services Department/ Solid Waste.
1241 Stone Manor Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27610
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Nathan Grimes (FSU Art BFA’09) @nathandgrimes
Todd Jones (FSU Art BFA ’16) @taahd