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Feedback Loop: A new exhibit featuring FSU Art Professor Anne Stagg and FSU Art Alum Laura Tanner

Exhibiting in “Feedback Loop” at the Alliance for the Arts in Fort Myers, Florida, Studio Art Professor Anne Stagg and FSU Art Alum (BFA ’09) Laura Tanner bring together work that pulls from their experiences growing up in the South. Through their work, both artists turn a critical eye towards the South and explore how built systems and false narratives reinforce systems of inequity and invisibility.

Anne Stagg addresses some of the humanitarian issues of our time through modes of formal abstraction, employed not only within her densely layered paintings, but also in the iterative process through which her work is made. The paintings in her Edits & Omissions series, on view in the gallery, develop over a number of years and are the result of her re-working discreet individual paintings and then re-exhibiting them in their altered state. Her process is not one of economy, but one of catastrophic loss through an unforgiving process of elimination using white paint. Artworks in various states of her evolutionary process are included in the exhibition.

Laura Tanner’s work examines revisionist histories that reinforce systems of inequity through her richly detailed, hand drawn and hand cut collage-like constructions. She combines invented imagery derived from oral histories together with images borrowed from wallpaper patterns, cookbooks and Americana advertisements, capitalizing on America’s propensity for sentimentality to expose discriminatory power structures through the lens of a Southern female perspective. Using double-sided mylar, her meticulous craft weaves together depictions of Americana in drawn tapestry. Tanner’s dense use of visual language both conceals and reveals alternative narratives, enticing engagement with and reflection on the social textures of our contemporary culture.

The exhibit will be available to the public  11/04/22 – 11/25/22.