from FSU Art BA ’21 Chloe Keicher:
During my second semester of interning with the FSU Department of Student Affairs, I have been given more responsibilities and projects to complete by my supervisors. Since beginning, this internship, and the team I am working with have provided a phenomenal source of experience and material for my portfolio. I have been able to plan and execute a variety of projects, some of them independently and some of them alongside the G.A., each addressing needs within the department. Those projects have allowed me to work on a wide variety of materials, from COVID announcements and information to holiday graphics. Additionally, I have been able to work on a rebranding project and the successive graphics that accompanied it.
Through my time with the DSA, there have been many opportunities for me to develop the skillsets that I feel are important to my future career. The team I am working with allows me to make design decisions and have creative freedom within projects, while also providing clear feedback. There are deadlines to each project, which requires time me to effectively manage my time, but I have never felt like I don’t have enough time to complete a task that I have been given. After my first semester with DSA, effective time management and communication were my biggest concerns. I am a very hands-on individual, and typically benefit most from direct feedback, so being intentional with my questions and e-mails was something I really had to learn. This continues to be a priority for me as the current semester has developed, as COVID has prevented any direction interaction in the office and face-to-face feedback isn’t readily accessible. Social distancing, although inconvenient, has pushed me to communicate more effectively and ask for the feedback that I need in the moment. It has also allowed me to develop confidence in my abilities. I can pick out what parts of a project I feel are well executed and what parts I feel like I need someone else to look at and provide feedback for.
For me, one of the most memorable parts of the semester so far has been the rebranding project I was given. I feel like I was given a lot of creative license on this project and it helped me develop a lot of confidence in my skills. This project allowed me to see the initial project through from start to finish, as well as the accompanying social media graphics and layouts. My supervisor and GA both gave me feedback when I needed it, but also allowed me to develop my own ideas and pushed me when I needed it. As with my previous semester, the team that I have been able to work alongside in this department has been phenomenal. When I have a question or I need another opinion on a graphic or idea I am developing, they always make time to get on a zoom call with me. I would recommend this internship to anyone who is questioning whether they want to be involved in graphic design or social media because it covers a variety of projects at all skill levels, and the team that is here will be there alongside you to help the entire time. Even better, they will give you practical feedback on your projects and push you where it is necessary. Additionally, they will take the time to ask you if you are getting the experience that you need and whether or not you are interested in other areas/specialties that they can help develop.