Photography lab
Digital Photography Lab (FAB320B)
Spring 2025 Open Lab Hours [Subject to change]:
Monday: 3:00pm – 7:45pm
Tuesday: 9:30am – 11:50am
Wednesday: 9:30am – 12:50pm; 2:40pm – 4:45pm
Thursday: 9:30am – 11:50am
**The lab door will be closed when there is no one actively working in the room during Open Lab hours. Go to the Lab Monitor office located in FAB335 to find the Lab Monitor to get the door unlocked if it is closed.****Students must sanitize after themselves – before they enter and after the digital photography room. Computer Station(s) must be kept clean and orderly to ensure safety. Doorknobs, tables, handles, and equipment must be wiped down before and after use. Lab Monitor will wipe down the Computer station (mouse and keyboard).**
The lab is equipped with 16 iMac workstations, 4 scanners, and 6 printers, reserved for the use of currently enrolled photography students and MFA students. Access during open lab hours is strictly controlled.
The iMac workstations are equipped with Adobe Creative Cloud applications, including Lightroom, Bridge, Photoshop, and Camera Raw. 4 work stations are connected to an Epson Perfection V750 Pro flatbed scanner capable of scanning both reflective documents and film negatives, up to 8″x10″. Additionally, certain computers are connected to one of 6 Epson SC-P600 inkjet printers. These printers are capable of printing on up to 13″ x 19″ sheets, or 13″ wide roll papers. Students must supply their own papers. Students may use any photo paper from Epson or any 3rd-party photo paper that is compatible with the Epson SC-P600 inkjet printers. Talk to Jabari about 3rd-party photo papers before buying and using them.
Advanced photography and graduate students also have access to an Imacon Flextight X1 large-format drum scanner. The Flextight X1 allows for up to 6300dpi resolution scans for 35mm film. You must have gone through training and have permission to use the Flextight scanner.
Large Format Printing Service for their use.
For studio art students who are not currently enrolled in a digital photography course, but wish to make high-quality prints, the photography area offers theResources/Helpful Guides:
Questions? Please email Jabari Townsend
Darkroom Lab (FAB335)
The darkroom features 14 black and white enlargers, film development facilities, and various darkroom equipment available for students to use.
Access and usage for the darkroom is restricted to students currently enrolled in a darkroom photography course & MFA’s with proper permission.
To use the facilities students must check in with the lab monitor and checkout any equipment necessary for their work session.
Darkroom Spring 2025 Lab Schedule:
Mondaday: 3:00pm – 7:30pm
Tuesday: 9:30am – 12:50pm; 2:40pm – 4:30pm
Wednesday: 9:30am – 11:50am
Thursday: 9:30am – 12:50pm; 2:40pm – 4:45pm
Resources/Helpful Guides:
Click this link to access some resources/helpful guides created by the Photo Area. These resources will continuously be updated.
Questions? Please emailLightBox
Lightbox (CAB 1421)
Studio for photography and video projects, documentation, and motion capture. Appointment required.The Lightbox is a fully equipped, professional photographic lighting studio located in the Carnaghi Arts Building (CAB) off the main campus. From hot and strobe lights to backdrops, stands, and more available for use in the space. Lightbox is the perfect space to document your artwork, create portraits or still lifes, run a fashion shoot, or even work on video capture with our awesome green screen! Have you attended a demo? Great, feel free to book an appointment. No? See below.
Have any questions? Contact Jabari Townsend.
Spring 2025 Lightbox Appointment Hours:
Monday: 9am – 1pm; 2:40pm – 4:40pm
Friday: 11pm – 5pm
**Very Important** Appointments are mandatory and made at least 72 hours in advance. Please note that our booking system is very literal. You must sign up for an appointment at least 72 hours in advance before the desired appointment time slot; failure to sign up in advance will result in your desired time no longer being available. For example, if you want an appointment on a Friday for the 12pm time slot, you must sign up by Tuesday before 12pm. Our booking system will show available appointment time slots at least a week ahead of time.** Staff will be there to let you into the studio and give you the equipment that you will need for your shoot, but they will not stay for the entirety of your appointment. Your shoot is yours to run.**** Please be aware that students who are unable to attend the appointment they scheduled must go back and cancel the appointment and or notify the Lightbox monitor in a prompt and timely manner, the day of the appointment is not prompt. More than two no-shows will result in a loss of privileges.**
Before you book an appointment:
- In order to work in the LightBox, you must have attended the basic studio demonstration. If you have not, your appointment will be canceled without notice.
- LightBox is located in room 1421 of the Carnaghi Arts Building (CAB).
- Appointments are made in two-hour blocks. If you require more time than this, make sure to extend your time while scheduling your appointment.
- After booking your appointment you should receive an automated email from the booking service with a summary of the details regarding your appointment. Please put a reminder in your calendar regarding your appointment as the booking service sometimes doesn’t send a reminder. Email Jabari if you are unsure your appointment has been made.
- If you arrive 15 minutes or more late to your appointment, it will be automatically canceled and counted as a no-show.
- Failure to show up for an appointment more than twice in a semester will result in loss of access to Lightbox for the semester.
- If you do not use Lightbox for more than two semesters, not including summer, you will be required to attend another basic demonstration.
Make appointments here: Book An Appointment
To schedule an appointment to work in Lightbox, you must have been granted access by attending a basic training demonstration. This session covers basic studio usage and etiquette.
Demos will be given throughout the semester based on the need for them. **Please email Jabari to inquire about taking a Demo.** Only 10 people will be allowed in each demo session.
Please talk to Jabari to arrange and schedule class demos.
All equipment in Lightbox stays in Lightbox. There is no discussion on this. Materials needed for travel are in the Equipment Checkout. There will be consequences for those who take Lightbox equipment out of the studio.
The last appointment of the day (5pm) can often stay late, which is great for slightly longer projects. Please speak to Jabari in advance about this if you anticipate a project lasting into the evening.
The use of the motion capture requires approval and training by Keith Roberson. If you require training, please email Keith Roberson.
Resources/Helpful Guides:
Click this link to access some resources/helpful guides created by the Photo Area. These resources will continuously be updated.