Ceramic Lab Calendar
Ceramic Kiln Reservations
- You must have passed the kiln test and have faculty approval to fire any kiln without supervision.
- When you reserve a kiln, be sure to reserve for the length of time it will be occupied (i.e. loading, firing, cooling, unloading). There is a start time and end time/day on the reservation, with a 3 day maximum.
- You MUST fill out the Kiln Firing Log Checklist for EACH firing (Located in BINDER)!
- The person that has signed out the kiln is responsible for loading, firing, unloading, cleaning the kiln shelves, and storing all the equipment and artwork.
- Any explosions or glazes melted onto shelves must be vacuumed, scraped and rewashed!

Ceramic Critique Room Guidelines
- Holes in walls must be filled with Spackle, sanded, and walls must be repainted.
- You may not drill into the concrete walls.
- All hardware must be removed from the walls.
- Floors must be swept and any art debris must be removed to the trashcans in the ceramics studio or to the dumpster.
4. Track lighting must be reconfigured to how you found it.
- All colored cells must be removed from the lighting.
- Bulbs must be replaced if they are removed or taken off of the tracks.
Failure to follow these guidelines will result in you being unable to use this room.
By signing up for a reservation, you are agreeing to these rules and are responsible for following them.
- Appointments must be booked during the posted open lab hours for the facility which houses the equipment in question.
- If you book a time outside of posted lab hours, your appointment will be deleted without notice.
- Students who fail to show up to their appointments 3 times will loose access to the equipment in question.
- While our lab monitors are willing and able to assist you, we ask that students and faculty have proper training on the equipment they intend to use prior to scheduling an appointment.
- Faculty may reserve blocks of time for their classes through the calendar, or by contacting the Lab Manager for the area in question.