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Advanced Hybrid Print class combines different processes and mediums

Published February 15, 2023

Professor Daniel Luedtke‘s Advanced Hybrid Print class is focused on how to combine different processes and mediums together. The class focuses on developing personal projects that combine printmaking techniques with a theme chosen by the instructor. Past themes have included collaborative printmaking, printmaking as installation, printmaking as social practice, and large papermaking. The first project of the semester tasked the students to combine two traditional print processes in the same print.

A current project in progress tasks students to use found video footage and combine it with print. Some students are approaching this by printing directly onto monitors and screens, some are projecting video onto printed materials, and others are gathering video images and sequencing them as an artist book. This project is in conjunction with the “Cut Frames, Captured Pixels: Found Footage Film & Video” exhibition that is currently on display at FSU’s Museum of Fine Arts.
Daniel Luedtke is an interdisciplinary artist and musician. His work addresses how illness affects a person’s experience of the world. Within a range of formal strategies, from printmaking, drawing, mixed media sculpture, installation and video, he uses collage and assemblage to illustrate how medical and insurance industries create and arrange our understanding of health and wellness.
Further updates of student works in Advanced Hybrid Printmaking to come.